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Suzanne Crawford Burton

If perseverance is the hallmark of success, Suzanne Burton is the epitome of a tenacious matriarch who continually raises the bar in her endeavors. Drawing upon her corporate background, particularly her experience with Equifax, Suzanne brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the real estate market. Her unique skill set allows her to assist others in navigating the often complex landscape of credit management, transforming them into financial warriors capable of making informed decisions about their financial futures.

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Her Story...

Suzanne began her career in real estate in 2002 with a vision of excellence that has led to acknowledgment by esteemed colleagues, business leaders, and re- turning clients. She is an innovative strategist that has developed tools for home acquisition and retention, evidenced by her commitment to promoting homeownership and financial management.

During the economic recession, many contended the months of plummeting home sales and values that would continue to head in a downward spiral for years to come; however, Suzanne sought to confront the challenging times with resources and real simple talk, enabling hundreds and hundreds of home- owners who found themselves with unanswered questions and overwhelming volumes of misinformation to become educated decision-makers.

Suzanne and other committee members put together the "2009 Ask a Realtor Telethon” RRAR Housing Opportunity Community Outreach Project spon- sored by NBC 17. Compelled to provide reliable and reputable resources to consumers, they were able to assemble the Triangle's agents/lenders/home inspectors/attorneys in establishing a phone bank to answer questions on home equity, refinancing, loan modifications, and buying programs, and other topics affected by the recession.

Suzanne has served professionally on the Raleigh Regional Association Board, North Carolina Association of Realtors, and numerous committees. She also volunteers as a member of Women Who give a Hoot for the Greater Raleigh Association and serves on the AMI Kids NC Board of Directors.

Her professional accomplishments are only a prelude that accentuates her overall persona. What impresses most people who encounter Suzanne is her clairvoyant ability to build authentic relationships regardless of socio-economic status, education, or ethnicity. She constantly seeks personal and professional growth opportunities through community organizations and churches to keep balanced.


Suzanne developed seminar curricula for Homebuying and Credit Awareness as one of her many contributions to the public and private sectors.


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